Turnitin Faculty Guide

Applying Turnitin Settings in Canvas

    1. Select “Edit” button in the upper right corner of the assignment

      Assignment view with Edit button highlighted

    2. Change Submission Type to Online
    3. Online Entry Options:  Select Text Entry and File Upload  

      Submission type with online selected and online entry options shows. Text Entry and File Uploads are highlighted.

    4. Scroll down to Plagiarism Review.
    5. Select Turnitin from the drop down menu. Note: The default settings is none.
    6. Indicate preferences by clicking the checkbox.
    7. Indicate the timeframe where students can see the report.

      Plagiarism review with different settings explained.

Note: If students are allowed to resubmit assignment after reviewing similarity report, the number of attempts must be more than 1.

  • Turnitin matches each submission against an extensive database including:
    • Web pages
    • Repository of previous student submissions
    • Scholarly publication including journals, publication and periodicals.
  • Show Reports to Students

Recommend allowing students to view the report immediately, even when not immediately available.

How to Access the Similarity Report

  • Select Speedgrader in either the Canvas Gradebook or from the assignment.

Gradebook:Gradebook which shows that users need to click the ellipsis next to the assignment name and then select SpeedGrader from the dropdown menu.

Assignment:Assignment view with SpeedGrader link highlighted.

  • Click on the Similarity Score to see a detailed report (You will be directed to the Turnitin site)

Speedgrader view with Similarity Score highlighted.

Interpreting the Similarity Report

The report consists of five different levels that range from 0% to 100%

The Similarity Score scale which shows Blue has no matching text. Green has 1 word to 24% matching text. Yellow has 25-49% matching text. Orange has 50-74% matching text. Red has 75-100% matching text.

Report Key:

Key that shows the different functions in the TurnItIn report.

Additional information on The Similarity Report