Turnitin Student Guide

Step 1: Upload Assignment

Click on one submission option:

  • File Upload: Select “Upload File”
  • Text Entry: Copy and paste submission in text box.
  • Microsoft OneDrive: Sign in to OneDrive and select the file to upload.

Upload options highlighted on the submission page in Canvas.

Step 2: Submit Assignment

End User Agreement box and submission button highlighted

Step 3: Select Submission Details

Note: Please contact your instructor if the report is not readily available for review.

Step 4: Review and Understand the Similarity Score

  • The Similarity Score will always be to the right of the uploaded document.
  • The example below shows a 5% score, which means that 5% of the document matches sources within the Turnitin database.  
  • Please review Understanding The Turnitin Similarity Report as an additional resource.

See Turnitin scale below:

The Similarity Score scale which shows Blue has no matching text. Green has 1 word to 24% matching text. Yellow has 25-49% matching text. Orange has 50-74% matching text. Red has 75-100% matching text.

Step 4B: Interpreting the Match Overview

This section will advise of the sources that are similar and match sources in the database. If a paper contains correct referenced quotes, this will also appear in the report.

Match overview with different matching sources shown.

Step 5: Revise and Resubmit (If applicable)

Make applicable changes to meet the course requirements then select “Re-submit Assignment”.

Re-submit assignment button highlighted.