How to Post a Panopto Video to a Canvas Assignment

Step 1

Go to the Canvas Assignment and select Start Assignment. 

Canvas Assignment with arrow pointing at Start Assignment button

Step 2

Scroll down to where you see the tab for Text Entry, and select that tab. 

NOTE: It is recommended NOT to use the button that says Use Webcam. This is an internal Canvas tool that does not allow screen recording, i.e. displaying of your PowerPoint presentation. 

Canvas Assignment window with arrow pointing at Text Entry

Step 3 

Select the green Panopto icon from the toolbar of the Rich Content Editor.

Canvas Assignment with rich content editor and arrow pointing at Panopto icon

Step 4 

Select My Folder from the dropdown menu. 

Panopto window with arrow pointing at dropdown menu

Step 5 

Choose Record to record a new video. Then select Launch Capture to record your video directly from your browser. 

Panopto window with arrows pointing at Record and Launch capture buttons

Step 6 

A new tab will open in your browser. The new tab will display Panopto Capture, which is the software you will use to record your video. Verify and/or select your Audio and Video inputs. Under Screens and Apps, you can choose whether you wish to record your screen. 

When you have chosen your desired inputs, select the red circle to begin recording. 

Panopto screen capture.with arrows pointing at audio, video, screens and apps and the record button.

Step 7 

When you are finished making your video, select the red circle again to end the recording. You will then see the screen in the image below. From this screen, you can view, edit, or redo the video if you wish. You can also change the title of the video, which, by default, will be the date and time of the recording. 

IMPORTANT: Do not change My Folder where the video is stored. If you do, your instructor and classmates will not be able to view the video. 

When you are satisfied with the video, simply close the tab on your browser. You do not need to Share or Send the video. 

Panopto capture window

Step 8

Return to the browser tab where you have Canvas open. The video should appear in the pop-up window. (Note: It may take a few seconds to appear.) Select Insert to add your video to the Rich Content Editor of your assignment. Panopto window with video and arrow pointing at Insert button

Step 9

Select the blue Submit Assignment button.