New Canvas Updates

Dates and Access Redesigned Interface

Assign To section is being replaced with Manage Due Dates and Assign To link. This is a new way to access due dates and availability dates. Instructors can also assign projects to certain students and sections. It’s available in Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes and Pages. A redesigned interface is displayed on the right-hand side when instructors select the link.

Screenshot of Assignment with red rectangle around Manage Due Dates and Assign To

Assigning Entire Modules and Module Items

If instructors do not want all students to view certain modules, they can assign entire modules to specific students or sections from the module page.

Screenshot of module with redesigned tray

Additionally, instructors can assign module items to specific students and sections, and control due dates and availability dates.

Screenshot of module item with redesigned tray

Setting Availability Times and Dates for Files

Instructors can set availability times and dates in files if they choose to provide them to students for a limited period.

Screenshot of Canvas file time availability with red arrows pointing time


Mark All as Read

A Mark all as read button is available to all users in the Announcements page. This update allows all users to quickly and efficiently mark all announcements as read.

Screenshot of Announcements page with red rectangle around Mark all as read

Notifications for Changed Content

Instructors can notify students when an announcement has been updated. After saving an edited announcement, instructors are prompted to either [1] save without notifying students or [2] to send a notification to students.

Screenshot of announcement notification with numbers and red rectangles around Save & Don't Send and Send

Availability Dates

The Announcements delay posting option has been changed to Available from and Until dates. Instructors can choose how long they would like to have an announcement viewable to students.

Screenshot of Announcement availability dates with numbers 1 and 2

Additional Features

Student View Button

Student View button is now called View as Student. This button allows instructors to preview and interact with their course in the students’ perspective.

Screenshot of Canvas View as Student button

Course Status

The Publish and Unpublish buttons have been redesigned as a drop-down menu. Instructors can publish and unpublish their courses from the homepage under Course Status section.

Screenshot of Course Status with drop-down menu showing Unpublished and Publish with red rectangle around Unpublished

More Information

For more information about the latest updates, visit Features in Canvas or email the Educational Design and Technology team at [email protected]. (Do not share any personal identifiable information (PII) such as social security number or grades in any messages to [email protected])